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We visited our good friends, the Robinsons, this past weekend in their new home near Houston, TX. We had a great time- we both have girls about the same age so they have a blast playing with one another. Brian's birthday was on Sunday so we celebrated a little bit then, but on Friday night, I took him on a date (planned by me) and gave him a Nintendo Wii- I think he was a bit shocked- I don't know if it was because I got it for him or if it was that I was actually able to find one. Either way- its been fun. This first picture is of Taylor at a playground by the Robinsons and the next is of their daugther, Chayse, chilling at a tea party.
Yep, its taking over. DDR is one of our new favorite games- its seriously fun, and can be pretty addicting. Our good friends, the Shumways, just got the game so our nights usually end with a little friendly competition. You can feel the intensity just looking at this picture. Amy usually kills all of us, but its still fun to try. Maury (Povich) tries to throw his sweet Latin moves in there with his footwork, but forgets that you don't get extra points for swaying your hips like Shakira. Too bad.
On another note, we've also taken up a "small" interest in Guitar Hero- an equally fun and addicting game. Don't worry- we have dedicated ourselves to reading the scriptures for equally as long as we play both games. :)
Our kids usually get somewhat neglected as their parents are called to a little DDR competition- hence, the picture of Taylor. This is how we found her, in between rounds. Completely in the buff, but then again, so was her baby.
At the mall with our good friends, the Dardanos. Their son, Pierce, totally has the Tom Cruise look down- what a stud. One of our girls' favorite things to do at the mall is ride the carousel- so, we are $4 poorer for it, but its so worth it (which begs the question- who is the one making some serious bank off those one-minute carousel rides?)