While in Boston, Beau and Amy took me to Mount Auburn Cemetery, a cemetery-garden-park with incredible views of Harvard and Boston. We walked around, played with the boys in the leaves, and admired the fall--very relaxing. It also seemed as if we were in London and home was right around the corner. It was a beautiful place.
Beacon Hill
Back on Harvard campus (undergrad side). We watched The Social Network that night (although it wasn't actually filmed on campus). While I was there, I saw several students dressed like Marty McFly. I thought it was just a Harvard thing until I realized it was Oct 21 2015 (Back to the Future day).
Beacon Hill #merica
Over the summer, I had the opportunity to work on a case study with Harvard Business School. Beau introduced me to a professor from their entrepreneurial department. Professor Ghosh and I spoke about the challenges of building new businesses inside large ones--and about how we both succeeded (and failed) at doing so. It quickly grew into an interesting case that eventually brought me to Harvard to guest lecture. It was fun ... and quite entertaining to hear the students debate, share their points of view, and ask their questions. They received the case about a week before class so they came to class prepared and well-read. I had the last 20-25 minutes and then we followed up with a Q&A session.
A sample of the first page of the case below. It started at 25+ pages and then was edited down to 15-ish. The process was almost therapeutic- being interviewed for hours, discussing the business I had been working on for the past 3+ years. The good, bad, and the ugly.
In the first row, of course.
Thank you my Harvard brother, Beau, for making this happen. It was fun to see him in the class as a student. Plus family & friends, Amy and Kayla.