Halloween is so much more of a big deal now than I ever remember it being when I was little. I love Halloween, so I won't complain. Let's get started...This year Kate is a cowgirl and Taylor is Dorothy (after deciding that Tinkerbell's outfit was just too itchy).
Kate had a pony birthday party on Saturday morning, which we had to leave early in order to make it to her soccer game. Then, we went to our neighborhood Halloween party and the girls cashed in with pizza, cupcakes, and cookies while mommy and daddy began to turn a very blind eye to all the junk our kids will inevitably eat during this entire week (I don't know how many times already that cookies were served for mealtime). I digress...one hour later we headed on out to our favorite annual trunk or treat, where again, unchecked amounts of candy were eaten. All in all, a very fun Saturday was had and the girls slept in until 9:30 AM on Sunday- a result, I'm sure, from hitting a sugar low in the morning hours!
More festivities to come later this week...