Lauren ... Growing up too fast!

Lauren is 10 months old! It really does seem like just yesterday that she was born...I cannot believe how much faster time flies with each additional child. We could not enjoy Lauren anymore though...she is the happiest, most content child- always ready with a smile and a cuddle. Sometimes I wish I could just take a little nibble out of her cute cheeks- they're so irresistable to me.

While I am definitely Lauren's favorite person (I better be! :)), Taylor is her best friend and her #1 mode of transportation. At any given moment of Lauren's awake time, you will find her being carried to and fro around our house by none other than Taylor. Lauren will even attempt to pronounce her name, although it only goes as far as "Tay", but we're counting it anyway. They both get equally excited to see each other after naps- jumping up and down and screaming. So cute.

P.S.- We just loaded the last of our Spain pictures/stories HERE so if you're not sick of hearing about it yet, check out our day in Toledo and Cordoba/Madrid.